Tuesday, April 20, 2010

People observe the colors of the day only at it's beginnings and ends.

I vacation
in increments.
In colors. (Zusak, The Book Thief 5)
A single hour can consist of thousands of different colors.

Waxy yellows, cloud spat blues, murky darknesses.

I make a point to notice them.
People observe the colors of the day only
at it's beginnings and ends.(4)

I do however try to enjoy every color I see-

the whole spectrum.(4)

When I recollect her, I see a long list of colors,

but it's the three in which I saw her...

black onto white onto red.
Liesel would step outside...

and watch the sky...

cold and heavy, slippery and gray.
The day was gray, the color of Europe.
The graying light arm-wrestled the sky.(11)

Yes the sky was now a devastating, home cooked red,

snowflakes of ash fell so lovelily.
The sky was like soup... In some places it was burned.

There were black crumbs and pepper,

streaked across the redness.
Personally, I like a chocolate- colored sky.

Dark, dark chocolate. (4)

You see, to me, for just a moment,

despite all of the colors that touch...

I will often catch an eclipse when a human dies.(11)

I've seen millions of them.
I've seen more than I care to remember.(11)

Your soul will be in my arms.
A color will be perched on my shoulder.(4)

The question is,

what color will everything be
at that moment when I come for you?

What will the sky be saying?(4)

color names. Web. 20 Apr. 2010.http://totalgadha.com/tgtown/loser/files/2010/01/colornames3.png


  1. This Poem is great Meg!:D The quotes from the book match perfectly!

  2. That's really cool. I can almost taste the colors as i read your poem!
